Now rendered in the full scene (took ~2 hours).
Just because Gail likes it so much. LOL!
Texture for the candle itself is:
pigment {rgbt <0.95,0.95,1,0.9>}
ambient 0
diffuse 0.55
reflection {0,0.2}
specular 0.6 roughness 0.008
normal {granite 0.1 scale 1*cm}
ior 1.3
media {scattering {1, 1}}
(Candle is 20*cm tall - just to give you some idea.)
The beautiful colouring is due to the lighting. The candle is
(currently) a pointlight with a yellowish hue and quadratic fading.
There is also a blue light to the left of the camera, which floods most
of the scene.
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